Q:- How do I log in to Dashboard as a Non - Licensed User?
Go to the website and click on the Login Button on the right top, which will redirect you to the Dashboard Login Page. Direct URL: https://dashboard.thewealthbuilderuniversity.com/
By Default, Licence Tab is selected on the top of the screen, you need to click on Non - Licence Tab where you are asked for Login Credentials for Game of Life Transformation.
Enter your EMAIL ID used at the time of registration by your Senior and the password received at the time of Registration or the password set by you to login into the Non-License Dashboard.
Q:- What is Video Login and how do I log in?
Video login is only for having access to all the Videos as per the permissions allotted to different User Roles (MD, SMD, EMD, Associate, etc.) and paid-for Videos.
To log in to the Videos Section, enter the Licence code your Senior provided at the registration time. For example, 171XXX (It is basically a 6-digit alphanumeric code) and auto-generated password sent to your email and click on Login Button below.
Q:- I am a Licensed user and I forgot the Password, How do I reset it?
Click on the forgot password link text button next to the log-in. Enter your Licence code and click on Submit.
Upon Submit, an email is sent automatically with 6 digital OTP to enter the screen to reset the password.
Use the OTP received via email and click on Submit, it takes you to the Generate Password screen. You will see your Licence Code already added and asking you to enter the desired password and re-enter the same for confirmation.
Click on the “Save & Next” button to save a new password in the system and redirect you to the Dashboard screen.
Q:- I am a Non-Licensed user and I forgot the Password, How do I reset it?
If the user forgets the password, he/she can click on the forgot password link text button next to the log-in. Fill in your Login Email and click on Submit.
Upon Submit, an email is sent automatically with 6 digital OTP to enter the screen to reset the password.
Use the OTP received via email and click on Submit, it takes you to the Generate Password screen. You will see your registered email already added and asking you to enter the desired password and re-enter the same for confirmation.
Click on the “Save & Next” button to save a new password in the system and redirect you to the Dashboard screen.